The Epiphany Of Our Lord
S. Epiphany (Observed).25 Matt. 2:1-12
“Now, Jesus being born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold: magi from the east came to Jerusalem saying, ‘Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the rising and have come to worship him’.”
Because game recognizes GAME? Is this how the magi come to worship him? But why doesn’t everyone worship him? Why does Herod and most all Israel try (and eventually succeed in) killing him? Why does our world hate Jesus and his church with ever increasing, ever more overt malice?
I mean, we recently saw the government shut down churches all over America, while big box retail stores, liquor stores, bike shops, etc. were jammed, going full tilt. That virtually all of Christendom not only put up with this, but welcomed it, hailed it as a virtuous rather than a cowardly move, stunned even my cynical sensibilities. I could hardly believe we were practically the only congregation in Raleigh that stayed open during the “pandemic”—for which we were ridiculed, threatened, and harassed by the media and neighbors and lost about 50 members.
I saw a news report last week, that I actually believe, that churches all across America are shutting their doors, as attendance in Christian churches has hit the lowest point in the last century. I knew from 30+ years pastoral experience that, if regular members miss just a month or so, it’s often the end of their church attendance, so I was not only not surprised, but I predicted it’d go down like this.
In post-WWII America, the state co-opted Christendom (much as Constantine did in the 4th century) for its own quite secular purposes, as W.H. Auden said at the time: “the state is trying to use Christianity as spiritual benzedrine to prop up a flagging empire.” So, church attendance soared in the 50’s and 60’s largely because, first, like Constantine, the powers-that-be dummed the faith way down, denying Jesus is God (Arians of the 4th century, ‘neo-orthodox” of the 20th) making him a mere teacher of good behavior—the best behavior being obeying the government, unquestioningly…
If you don’t know how that worked out for Rome, I can tell you: the empire collapsed completely, within 100 years of Constantine’s ploy. I would judge from the recent desperation, we’re getting to end stages of the American Empire. As the scriptures warn: “don’t be deceived; God is not mocked”. He sees and tolerates his enemies for such a long time, they are lulled into a false sense of security that they’re dealing with a toothless lion, until he rises and wrecks havoc on his foes, usually waiting until his church is hollowed out and on its last legs, to show the surpassing power is from him and not us, certainly not our “missional” efforts!
If any of this comes as an “epiphany” to you, well it’s the day for it, isn’t it? And if you’re dubious about my reading of history, read Charles Norris Cochrane’s classic “Christianity and Classical Culture” to see how it all went down in 4th century Rome and how similar it is to 20th century America.
But, back to the magi… who first—it must be said! are not merely “wise men” but are μαγοι in Greek, MAGICIANS!, exact same word that’s used for the Egyptian magicians in Exodus 7 and 8—who could do real magic, BTW! When Moses gave the sign God commanded him—of turning his staff into a snake, the Egyptian magi did the same with their staffs, only Moses’ snake ate theirs. Gross!
When Moses turned the Nile’s waters to blood, the Egyptian magi did the same. Ditto with the 2nd plague of frogs. But the 3rd time’s a charm! When Moses turned the dust into gnats (biting gnats, it seems) the Egyptian magi were stymied. They couldn’t do it. Maybe being in touch with real magic, divine power helped them see how puny and paltry mere human power is. And suddenly cut-off from the source of power itself, they cried: “This is the finger of God!” (Which finger do you think it was?) That’s what I mean when I say “game recognizes GAME”!
The Persian magi who visited Bethlehem had all the same powers. But, when they saw a star being moved around like a child’s toy, guiding them first to Jerusalem, then disappearing while they parlayed with Herod, embarrassingly—only to reappear and guide them right to the stable where the Christ child lay, they knew this is the finger of God! They knew the heavens and their movements and could see—as the Babylonian magi did in Hezekiah’s day when the sun stood still over Jerusalem 10 hours!, the finger of God at work.
So, like a cat with a new Christmas mouse toy, they follow the star. And, knowing the Hebrew scriptures (probably in Greek translation) they connected the dots that this is the promised Christ, the Savior, not only of Israel, but even of Gentiles, too! Maybe even magicians? Maybe…
Because they were magician-kings themselves—with real power!, they could recognize Divine Power, know what a gulf separates their life from God’s, know when they’re bested, when it’s time bring gifts fit for a king and sue for peace, while he’s hopefully in a good mood. They are stunned that this Herod not only knows nothing about Israel’s divine King being born, but wants to kill him! Man, that’s a really BAD idea!
C.S. Lewis says that conversion is often… catastrophic. It comes when your powers have been shown to be utterly useless, bested by the Master’s. Knees not used to bending can be stiff; hitting the floor in a stable in front of a baby lying in a manger was a low point that, only in hindsight, can the magi likely see as the high point of their lives…
Is it because our kings and presidents and rulers (like Herod the Great, a puppet king, himself) can’t turn even 1 Prince into a frog, have so little real power, is that why they simply can’t bend the knee, can’t admit when they’re bested, but hate the One who shows their lowly state and so are bent on persecuting and killing him?
That’s the “Epiphany” I had this week: that it’s pure pride—thinking we’re so great and powerful, like OZ, when we’re really… not that only makes us do even more stupid things, like Herod’s massacre of the innocents, the ongoing persecution of Christ and his Church…
Scriptures say it’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God! Xnity is designed to kill us, first!—to eradicate the sin God finds in us: the pride, greed, arrogance, stupidity (even Aristotle knows you can’t be good and stupid 😉 to raise us up, new…
Here you get good practice bending stiff, old knees before the King of Kings. Don’t fight this Epiphany Thing! Lay your treasures before him who forgives all, who—by his Word and Sacrament going in your ears and mouth—fills you with his goodness, as a mirror’s filled with light on a sunny day. And… Peace, surpassing all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Amen.